Society Today

Does anyone else feel a constant battle between being happy and feeling like you are not doing enough?

When you are young you feel like life is structured in a way that if you do everything right you will be happier and in a constant state of bliss.

Then you get to your 20s and feel like everything you have done so far wasn’t the right approach because it’s not the traditional way of doing things.

You should have everything planned by the age of 25 because otherwise, you have failed at life.
I tell myself every day that I do not care what others think because it’s my life I can do anything I want. But then when I reflect on my life and what I’ve achieved I don’t feel happy because I don’t have a job secured, finished university, been in a relationship longer than 9months, haven’t settled down and got a mortgage.

Why am I getting stressed for being different?

We feel like we have free will but since we were kids and our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on was kids everyone was programmed to do it all it that strategy.

The government even believes it. Only charities help people over 25 because society says you should have your life together by then.

Am I the only one that see’s the wrong in this way of thinking?

I believe in tradition but I don’t believe in scare mongering society into what they think is a perfect society. 


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