What My Blogs Will Be About!

I started writing blogs on 28\01\2017 but that quickly ended. I lost the drive and determination to write more blogs last year. So, I'm going to start again and hopefully I'll find my passion and stick to it.

I've always wanted to be creative I thought about learning an instrument but learned quickly at 7 years old after trying to play the recorder that maybe I I'll pass on music. Then I thought about drawing but I can't draw to save my life, trust me. Then after watching YouTube for so many years thought about giving it a go but I'm not very visually confident. So I thought hey! Why not give blogs ago least then I can lye in bed in my pyjamas and write about stuff I enjoy without having to get ready and smile in front of a camera with an audience.

I was sitting in my bed watching TV as usual and started to think, what could I write about? Make up, maybe? No already dipped my toe into that. Then I thought hey! Why not just write about myself? It sounded scary at first to put my self out there for the world to read but it's not like none of us has ever did that before. Now your thinking I'm crazy, right? Everyday we sit on our phones going to one app to another. For example Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. We look at photos of people's night outs, reading their status about their break up and new baby's on the way and we all love it. Why? Because gossip makes the world go around we are social creatures and love to know what people are up to and who they are kissing on the weekends.
I want to write about what goes on In my life and where I've been this last year. 

I hope it's entertaining and gets people away from there own lives and just sit with a cuppa and read my blog. Hopefully it will make you laugh, maybe even cry but however it makes you feel I just want you to escape for 10 minutes.

I hope you enjoy my revamp. I will try and write a blog each week or even twice a week.

Love from
Your new 
favourite  stranger

 "Don't judge people for the choices they make when you don't know the options they had to choose from" 

Comments are always welcome!


  1. Can wait to read your future posts! Good luck for your blogging journey and welcome to the blogging community x
    A x | www.simplyxanna.wordpress.com

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! I will sure check out your blog. 🎀

  2. I completely understand. I started with blogger, went to WordPress, then YT, then finally back at wordpress again.

    I also got lucky luck cause it was super apparent which categories I was going to drop.

    It's definitely a journey. Good luck!

    1. Least I know I'am not alone now lol hopefully I can keep it up longer this time.
      this time.


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