
Society Today

Does anyone else feel a constant battle between being happy and feeling like you are not doing enough? When you are young you feel like life is structured in a way that if you do everything right you will be happier and in a constant state of bliss. Then you get to your 20s and feel like everything you have done so far wasn’t the right approach because it’s not the traditional way of doing things. You should have everything planned by the age of 25 because otherwise, you have failed at life. I tell myself every day that I do not care what others think because it’s my life I can do anything I want. But then when I reflect on my life and what I’ve achieved I don’t feel happy because I don’t have a job secured, finished university, been in a relationship longer than 9months, haven’t settled down and got a mortgage. Why am I getting stressed for being different? We feel like we have free will but since we were kids and our parents, grandparents, great grandparents an...


My mental health is getting out of control. It's often scary at times when I can feel myself losing control of everything. There's been times were I've had enough of even being me. I pray that I could have an outer body experience and just float and not feel anything. I've  woke up and I know I need too get a grip of the problems i have but how do I get a grip of something when I don't fully understand what's going on my self. I get embarrassed of my pain because what if no one believes me. I don't need someone to talk to I just need people to understand what they are doing. Bering scared of family and friends because of the constant questions. Questions and accusation on what they think I should feel and not what I actually feel. I feel isolated and trapped in my own body and mind because of this constant pain and neglect I feel open my self. My pain isn't ever discussed its just dictated to me. Like my own pain and feelings are a dictat...

My Story, Depression And Me.

Imagine This Balloon Is Your Depression- " Imagine a big red balloon. This balloon is tide to your wrist and you cannot lose it no matter how hard you try. You start of your day by lying in bed, you wake up angry because the balloon was keeping you awake all night, getting in the way and making you uncomfortable.  You try and get dressed, it takes at least an hour to pick out an outfit you like because nothing would fit around or over this balloon.  Then you hear a knock at the door it's your friend, she has come round for a chat but this balloon is constantly getting in between you both.  You cannot concentrate and you give up and your friend leaves angry at you because you let the balloon get in the way of you both and she did not understand why you couldn't just let it go. In the end you just go back to bed and you cry yourself to sleep"                                     ...

Mental health and Me

" cheer up, watch something funny. Get over it." How many times have we all heard this said to us or said to someone else? Mental health Is not as easy as watching a comedy show laughing for an hour then magically everything is cured. In this Blog I am going to be talking about depression. Mental health is an illness no matter how many times people say it is just a fad. In this Blog I am going to be talking about some facts about Mental Health, How to help yourself,  signs and symptoms and some helplines to help you when things get too much and you are feeling suicidal.   This Blog is also going to be In 2 parts. This is part one and part 2 Is going to be my own personal story about depression and how I suffered for 4 years In silence and how I finally overcome my struggles. In part one I am going to tell you how and why you can overcome anything you set your mind to.  Facts about Mental Health 1.In 2016 5,668 suicides were recorded in great Britain...

What My Blogs Will Be About!

I started writing blogs on 28\01\2017 but that quickly ended. I lost the drive and determination to write more blogs last year. So, I'm going to start again and hopefully I'll find my passion and stick to it. I've always wanted to be creative I thought about learning an instrument but learned quickly at 7 years old after trying to play the recorder that maybe I I'll pass on music. Then I thought about drawing but I can't draw to save my life, trust me. Then after watching YouTube for so many years thought about giving it a go but I'm not very visually confident. So I thought hey! Why not give blogs ago least then I can lye in bed in my pyjamas and write about stuff I enjoy without having to get ready and smile in front of a camera with an audience. I was sitting in my bed watching TV as usual and started to think, what could I write about? Make up, maybe? No already dipped my toe into that. Then I thought hey! Why not just write about myself? It sounded...